Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ups and Downs

I like Doggett's Pub. It's on the South Bank of the Thames, fairly near Blackfriar's Bridge. The reason I like it is because it has a restroom on every floor. And that's unusual in that part of the world. We went to The Anchor for Sunday Brunch. Finding the ladies room was like being on a scavenger hunt. Down these stairs - over to the other side of the pub - then back up those stairs. Bottom line, it was on the same floor I was on, I just couldn't get to it from where I was without going down and then back up again.

It's clear to me that no one in the British Isles has a problem with their knees. There is no equivalent to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Can't imagine why not. But I can tell you this - I've got a knee that hurts and constantly going up and down stairs does not help it one bit. No sir!

Some of the stairs are so steep that you just look at them and say "No - I'm not doing that." Thank God I have excellent bladder control.

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