Tuesday, September 6, 2016

No Sleep

Usually when we fly overnight, I manage to get in a few hours of sleep. Typically, there's something wrong with the audio/visual equipment that prevents me from watching any movies, assuming that there are any I want to see.

Maybe I usually sleep because I'm so cramped up in my little coach seat that sleep is the only viable escape from the physical circumstances. On this flight we had bulkhead seats - plenty of room to stretch out and no tray table stuck in my face. Empty seat beside me so no need to be bumping arms with strangers. And no children within sight or earshot. Perfect conditions to sleep, but for some reason I didn't.

This time all the audio-visual equipment was in perfect order and there were a number of films I hadn't already seen so  I watched movies instead of sleeping.

I watched Hello, My Name is Doris. Cute movie with Sally Field, but in some ways very sad. Although it did seem at the end that she was going to get her life back. I also watched The Lobster with Collin Farrell. I had to run that one back at the end just to make sure I saw what I thought I saw. (Let me also add that this one ranks right up there among the five worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life and I'm glad I didn't waste my money at the cinema.) I also watched Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot with Tina Fey. This one was just good - about western news correspondents in Kabul. I don't know why it didn't get more press when it was released.

Anyway, the bottom line is that  I arrived at Heathrow having had no sleep which made it really hard to stay awake on the torturous trip from London up to Manchester. (But since I wasn't driving, that really didn't matter.) One good night's sleep can totally eliminate jet lag.

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