Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Day at Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace - Home to the court of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. I learned one thing I didn't know - the palace was built by Cardinal Wolsey and then taken off him by Henry when things didn't go his way.

Lovely place. One problem. The audio tapes that you get when you buy your tickets are just too long-winded. After spending nearly two hours with "young Henry VIII" we no longer wanted to listen and learn. We only had one day, not a week.

We did have a wander around the grounds and through the rest of the palace. I think we missed most of the King William stuff, but I blame it on the long-winded talkers on the audio. I don't mind them so much when I'm learning something, but throughout that "young Henry" section, I didn't hear anything I didn't already know except the part about the palace having been built by Wolsey instead of Henry.

It was a nice visit, although I wish the commentary would have been more condensed so we could get through it a bit quicker.

Here are some photos.

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