Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Day in Brighton

We were staying in Worthing, but Brighton was a short bus trip away. The problem was that the bus wasn't air conditioned and we had to get off at the little town in between Worthing and Brighton. I can't even remember it's name! But we stopped and had a water and a coffee and a brisk walk just to keep from dying on the bus.

I was a bit surprised by Brighton. The beach is pebbles, or rock. This would not be a popular beach destination in the United States. We're babies - we demand sand - the softer the better. Quite frankly, the beaches are far better at Clacton but for some reason that doesn't have as good a reputation as Brighton. Go figure.

But Brighton has some other unique features. The Royal Pavilion, for example. A bit over the top? Absolutely. Plenty of Asian architectural influences. The grounds aren't particularly well kept for anything with "royal" attached to it, but it's worth a look.

Another great place in Brighton is "The Lanes" - a group of narrow, pedestrian-only streets full of shops and pubs and lots of people.

All in all, a great visit. Here are some photos.

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