Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Macbeth at the Globe

An experience to remember! I had been to Shakespeare's Globe before to take the tour but I'd never seen a play there. We went to see Two Gentlemen of Verona a number of years ago at the Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. The seating is similar to the seating in the Globe but it just isn't the same.

It was a fantastic experience! Of course, I "studied" Macbeth as a high school senior. (We won't really talk about how many years ago that was.) You can read it, and study it, and study it again in college, but nothing brings it to life like a live performance.

The actors at the Globe are superb. I don't recommend the Swan (pub/restaurant attached to the theatre) but the theatre experience is not to be missed.

No photography during the performance - so here are some shots taken before the performance started.

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