Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Late Start

We'd planned to leave on Saturday and have a leisurely drive, maybe stop in Tennessee and then arrive in Cave City, Kentucky on the 13th of September relaxed and ready to go.

Instead, I got a call from the orthopedic oncologist who could see me on the 13th at noon. My initial reaction to that phone call was that I'd see him when I got back from vacation. But the thoughts "What if it's cancer? You should get the treatments started as quickly as possible." kicked in and Mark and I agreed that it wouldn't hurt to delay the trip by a few days. (Which ended up being okay since I'd had to go back to the dentist on Monday, anyway.)

My appointment was at noon. I'd be back home by 1:30. If we had everything loaded except the perishables we could be on the road by 3 pm. We could drive halfway there and then finish the drive the next day.

Great plan. Except that we didn't leave the doctor's office until well past three. (No cancer! Yay!) And we were starving since we hadn't had lunch. By the time we got back home it was almost 5 pm. By the time we got on the road it was 6 pm. By the time we reached that halfway point it was 1 am.

We slept for a few hours and managed to arrive at Cave City around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Not what we'd planned, but not bad at all.

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