Monday, October 24, 2016

You Don't Forget

All of you folks who find it amazing, peculiar, funny, odd, (choose your own word) that a bunch of women got groped decades ago and "just now remembered" - this is for you.

Those women didn't "just now remember". They NEVER forgot. They got past it and got on with their lives. In most cases the damage wasn't irreparable. By irreparable, I  mean they didn't develop a deep-seated fear and mistrust of men in general.

How do I know? I was groped. Abused. Harassed. By the man who signed my paychecks. Not rich and powerful on the scale of a Donald Trump, but in comparison to me, yes he was rich and powerful.  Did I go to the police? No. I didn't. I went to my mother. His business partner was also aware of the situation because I often called him to ask him to come in to the office so I wouldn't be left alone in the office with my abuser.

I thought about filing a sexual harassment suit, but this was in the late 70s and my mother (a wise and sensible woman) advised against it. The reason was that if I did file the suit, I would be dragged through the mud. She also pointed out how difficult it would be for me to find another job. Indeed, it would have been hard to remain anonymous in Lorain County, Ohio.

So I kept my mouth shut and got on with my life. In fact, I moved far away to Texas and never looked back. But I NEVER forgot. EVER. And let me tell you, if I heard that SOB was running for office, I would be talking to the media and it would not matter to me that it happened over 35 years ago.

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