Friday, October 21, 2016

One Thing at a Time

Lately I've been seeing an advert on Facebook for a tee shirt that says "Everything Hurts and I'm Dying." I laughed. I realize it's intended for people who seriously work out - not for people who are suffering the onset of "older" age. But it seemed appropriate, at least until I thought about it.

After some thought, I've come to the conclusion that it just isn't true. Can't be true. Only one thing can hurt at a time. Before we left for Kentucky, my knee hurt. It hurt enough to get me to go to three doctors and get an MRI. But once my tooth started hurting, my knee was fine.

In fact the more my tooth throbbed, the better my knee felt. When anyone asked me what the outcome of the knee specialist visit was it was very easy to say "He said I needed a knee replacement. Can you believe it?  Am I walking around like someone with a bad knee?" And the truth was that it seemed fine and it didn't hurt. The more that tooth throbbed, the better that knee felt.

But the antibiotics finally started kicking in and now I've had the root canal and the crown has been placed and I've recovered from that accidental kick to the jaw (a story best left untold) and now my knee hurts. Again.

Except when I'm distracted by the fact that it's time to get my hair cut...

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