Monday, October 10, 2016

Between Cincinnati and Columbus

The stretch of road called Interstate 71 between Cincinnati and Columbus has to be the roughest stretch of road in the country. To say it was rough is an understatement.

People of Ohio!! What is wrong with you?? This is not a highway. This is a ticket to disaster. I can't begin to tell you the things that went wrong with our vehicle after driving on this stretch of road.

I liked John Kasich in the primary, but if this is his idea of highway maintenance, I'm glad the rest of the country has been spared.

I still want to see my family and friends in northern Ohio. HOWEVER, I will be seeking an alternative route. No more I-71 for me - especially between Cincy and Columbus. Indescribably horrible!!

I blame this stretch of road for thousands of dollars of repairs to our vehicle. Not to mention the door jamb on our RV that was probably loosened by this very piece of road and encouraged our Heidi to run for it. Horrible. Horrible. Shame on you, Ohio.

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