Monday, October 16, 2017

Out and About in Spoleto

This was our third visit to Spoleto. We visited familiar places and a few new ones.

Piazza Liberta - a great place to grab some lunch or a coffee - and remarkably empty in this photo.

The view from our bedroom window at Casa Feeney.
One of the old city gates.

They have an escalator that will take you up where you can overlook everything and then walk down to where you want to go. This is a view from the top.

People still use these fountains around town to fill up their water bottles.

Chiesa di San Ponziano was built in 1256. The mosaics and paintings have survived for centuries. Most of the old paintings are in the crypt.

The opera house in Spoleto.

The Duomo and Bell Tower in Spoleto. Also known as Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta.  The inside is exquisite.

A really great place to watch the sunset. 

1 comment:

Monteluco said...

Thanks for such a lovely review Barbara. I hope that some of your friends are encouraged to go there and give the local economy a small boost!

The sunset photo is fabulous
