Wednesday, October 4, 2017

More Culture than We Can Absorb

Since Mark decided that we had absorbed about as much culture as humanly possible, we went to the Galileo Science Museum. It still looked like culture to me.

What I found the most interesting was that even though many of the items on display were scientific instruments they were crafted to be beautiful as well as functional. Imagine going in to Home Depot and finding a selection of hammers with carved handles and etched heads. It makes me think that art and beautiful objects were commonplace back in the Renaissance.

A trend I'd like to see come back. There should be an alliance between form and function, utility and beauty.

Here are some photos of some of the objects in the museum. (By the way, they have the bony remains of Galileo's middle finger on display. I didn't photograph it. But I imagine Galileo is having the last laugh.)

Thermometers - in case you were wondering

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