Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Thousand Dollars???

While we were away there were several times when I was convinced that Mark wasn't hearing properly. Anytime I'd ever mentioned that he needed to get his hearing checked he went on the defensive. I wasn't accusing him of not listening. I was concerned that he wasn't hearing. Big difference.

There had been a couple of things that he didn't hear waiters say. I heard those things and assumed he had. It was only when his order wasn't "as expected" that I realized that he hadn't actually heard what the waiter said, even though he'd indicated approval.

But what finally made him realize he wasn't hearing things properly was the incident with the last Italian cab driver. Remember I mentioned yesterday that the cab ride from the hotel to the airport was 40 Euro? Mark paid this to the hotel and was given a voucher to give to the cab driver.

After the driver unloaded our bags he was waiting to be paid. He said it was 40 Euro. Mark didn't hear what he said so I said, "You need to pay him." And he said, "I paid the hotel." Then the cab driver said "I need the voucher."

Mark's eyes got wide as he exclaimed "What??? A thousand dollars?"

"No. The voucher. He needs the voucher."

Once Mark got over the shock of being asked for a "thousand dollars" he produced the voucher from his wallet and the cab driver was happy, I was relieved and Mark realized that he couldn't actually hear as well as he thought he could.

That is now being fixed.

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