Monday, October 9, 2017

Cinque Terror

Go by train. Walk. Go by boat. Don't drive. The road is narrow - essentially one lane in most places. The car's GPS will try to take you over unpaved trails and when you feel that "this can't be right" you will be hard-pressed to turn around. You will be turned around so many times you'll feel like you've been playing pin the tail on the donkey. There is no shortage of hairpin curves.

You might meet a large, commercial vehicle in a turn. (We did.) Everyone backs up. We ended up pulling into a gated drive and holding the brake while the truck got out of the way. I could smell the brakes burning, but Mark said it wasn't the brakes - it was the clutch. When the truck got out of the way, we had to back up onto the road in the middle of a curve where we couldn't really see what was coming. I was scared. (Not your everyday scared, mind you. This was a three times in my life kind of scared.) Mark will only admit to being "concerned" - never scared.

In the end, we were rewarded with beautiful views.

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