Monday, June 19, 2017

Seeing Green

Seeing green usually refers to jealously, but for us seeing green is something Mark doesn't do particularly well because he is red/green color blind. That is why it is my job to locate the diesel pumps when we pull into a service station. (Diesel pump handles are typically green, unless you're at a BP station then all the regular pumps are green and the diesel pumps are black.)

And because we're towing an RV, it's important to spot them right away so we don't have to circle round the pumps multiple times trying to get in the right position.

The diesel pumps are almost always on either end of the service island. On the morning in question I found them easily and told Mark that they were at "the end".

Instead of circling around, he pulled out of the service station, went around the block and then he headed for the far end of the service island. As near as I could tell, we were headed for the wrong side of the pump. But he didn't pull up to the pump, he pulled up to the kerosene pump. It was on "the end" of the service station, not the end of the service island. But who knows, maybe the air and water were there, too. I wasn't paying any more attention than I had to. Then he told me that there was no place to pay and asked me if I would get out go inside to pay.

My question. "Pay for what?" What is he asking me to pay for? We were at the kerosene pump. Was there an air pump or a water pump that I couldn't see? But instead of answering the question Mark stomped off telling me that he would pay for it himself.

Fine. I still didn't know what he was going to pay for, but it sure wasn't diesel. When I pointed out that he was at the kerosene pump he was upset because I was supposed to be helping. We pulled around to the pump on the other end of the service island and I was immediately dispatched inside to sort out the problem.

In the end, it was all resolved. They had assumed he did not want kerosene, but diesel - so they put his payment onto pump one. We ended up at pump five. They cancelled one sale and booked another.

But back to the problem. The problem was my fault because I didn't question him. "Pay for what?" is not a question? Of course it is. I've been married too many years to question a man who is not hesitant about what  he's doing or where he's going.

For future reference, "the end" is the end of the service island, not beyond.

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