I've enjoyed a few bursts of "I feel better" only to find that after I've been up for 15 minutes, I think I'm going to drop from sheer exhaustion. I'd hoped to be feeling better this morning. But I wasn't. In fact I think I felt worse. My throat was probably sore from breathing through my mouth all night, since my nose wasn't functioning properly. And it's getting boring. There is work I need to do - inside and out! Mark has been good about cooking and tidying up the kitchen, but I can't turn him loose in QuickBooks or on BillPay. And for unspecified reasons, I'd really rather do the laundry myself.
So today I decided to seek medical assistance. I called our family doctor and asked if they could call in some antibiotics. The nurse said she'd let me know. When I didn't hear back from her within 10 minutes (remember, I'm desperate to feel better) I phoned a doctor who's only 5 minutes away and they could see me in 30 minutes.
I went in to the local doctor's office, filled out the forms, outlined all the medications I take (no I don't know how many milligrams it is), let them weigh me, take my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure, listen to me breathe and peer into my ears, nose and throat. And what was the diagnosis? Antibiotics!! Who could have guessed!!
After she faxed it in by computer, I asked if it wouldn't be a good idea to jump start it with an injection. Then she asked me if I wanted a shot of antibiotic or steroids.
"I want whatever will make me feel better fastest."
Steroids it is! I hadn't actually thought about this type of use of steroids in ages. But when she mentioned it, my mind went back 30 odd years to a week when I'd been feeling awful. One of my best friends was moving from Ohio to Michigan and I felt that it was important that I not miss the going away party. I worked in Vermilion, and there was a Greek doctor there - I wish I could remember his name. But I went to his office and told him how I couldn't miss my friend's party. He listened politely and then he told me a story about a field trip to Mount Olympus. (The point of that story is not any clearer today than it was back then.) But I listened politely and then he gave me a shot of steroids.
Talk about feeling better! Wow!! I believe I was high as a kite for three days. I can't remember spending so much time laughing, before or since. It was a weekend of unbridled hilarity.
So, when I got the steroid shot today, I was a bit hopeful. But all it did was sting and then make me incredibly sleepy. But now that I'm awake, I do feel a good bit better. But I'm still hopeful that the laughter might be a delayed reaction.
But just so you know, I'm well situated for antibiotics now. When I got to the pharmacy window, they informed me that two doctors had phoned in prescriptions for antibiotics for me. I assured them that I would not take them together. The Z Pak has an expiration date of October 2015. I bet I use it before then.
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I enjoy your blog !
Thank you!
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