Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Things We Left Behind

Just so everyone knows, I'm not the only one who's forgetful. Mark left the charger for his new Sony camera at the Peabody House in Eureka Springs. I've phoned and they're looking for it now. In the meantime, he'll have to stop in at Best Buy and purchase another one.  We'll chalk that one up to the fact that we left before 7:00 AM yesterday in order to get back in time for him to do an inspection for someone whose option period expires today and he had to have Mark - no one else would do. (God bless him! We love loyal clients.) We can probably attribute part of that forgetfulness to the fact that Mark had something plugged into every outlet there - including the ones that were behind chairs and under tables. They're easy to miss and I'm not fully functional at that time of day anyway.

But when we were in England there were a few things that didn't come home with us.

  1. Mark's favorite sweater. He thinks he left it at the Lord Lister Hotel, but they haven't responded with any information. Fortunately, he has another one that is very similar - same colors, slightly different style.

  2. A jar of jam like Mark's mom used to make. I'm not sure what happened to it. I distinctly remember packing it into the carry-on bag. How it failed to get here is beyond my comprehension. (Mark thinks it was left at the cottage.) Unfortunately it's not a type of jam that's readily available in the US. (I think it was Pear/Ginger.)

  3. My black ear muffs. These were my favorite fur muffs. I bought them in Chicago. I suspect they fell out of the side pocket of the car at a service plaza on the way from the cottage back to Heathrow. I had them for the entire trip, but when I went to remove them from the rental car before taking it back, they weren't there. So technically, the ear muffs weren't forgotten - they were lost. (Although Mark thinks they were left in the cottage, too.)

So I hope whoever has come into possession of these items enjoys them. In the meantime, I've purchased a book, Power Foods for the Brain to help me keep track of our stuff.

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