Tuesday, March 12, 2013

An Ad-Free Zone

Did you know that Google encourages people who blog to join their AdSense program? It's a way of monetizing your blog. I'd never really looked into it because I don't really appreciate ads (targeted or otherwise) showing up on my mail, on Facebook, on Words with Friends - just about anywhere you look. But I was curious about it. I wondered what kind of ads might turn up on my blog. I assumed that most people are a bit like me - relatively immune to the ads unless it's something that really catches my fancy. I figured that I could sign up and I might have enough money to buy a Coke after a year or two.

So I did that. I spent thirty minutes of my life - thirty minutes that I will never get back - to sign up for Google AdSense. And what do I get for my trouble? An email from the nameless, faceless Google AdSense team informing me that I don't meet their criteria. It also states that they can't be bothered to tell me why. Maybe they don't like my writing style. Maybe my grammar is too good for them. Maybe there aren't enough of you reading what I write. Who knows?? But rest assured, you will not be seeing any ads on my blogs.

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