Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Distracted by What?

We all do it. Go to the store and forget what you're supposed to get. That's why we make lists. Like the one I made for Mark so he could stop at Market Street on his way home from the Verizon store. (Why he was at the Verizon store has to do with a lapse in memory, but that's a completely different story.)

Anyway, I gave him a list.

  1. oyster sauce
  2. 81 mg aspirin
  3. granola

When he arrived back home, excited that the wifi modem was indeed covered by insurance, I asked if he'd remembered the oyster sauce. No. He hadn't. He said he was distracted by the aspirin. Really? Yes. It seems there was an entire aisle of nothing but aspirin. It was overwhelming to find the right one and the oyster sauce was forgotten, even though it was at the top of the list.

Oyster sauce was needed for dinner, so he got back into the car to drive the 10 or so miles back to the store to get the oyster sauce. I went into the kitchen. The aspirin was there, along with the granola. He'd also managed to buy seven different types of cheese, hummus, pate, soused herring, sea salt and cracked pepper potato chips, and some oatmeal beer. Do you really think he was distracted by the aspirin?

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