Monday, April 13, 2020

The Best and Worst of Isolation

Because We're Not Going Anywhere

The best:
  1. I don't need to check my calendar for anything. 
  2. I can serve dinner at 8 or 9 pm because it won't interfere with anyplace we have to be.
  3. Instead of our walks outdoors, we are now doing YouTube exercise/fitness videos. It's actually more fun than the fitness classes I'd been taking.
  4. I don't feel I need to put on makeup most days. (Think of the savings!)
  5. We're saving a ton of money on gas.  
  6. I have more time to read. 
  7. The telemarketers have been laid off, too. Spam calls are greatly reduced.
  8. I am organizing everything - the pantry, my closet and the utility room are pretty well done. 
The worst:
  1. I don't need to check my calendar for anything. 
  2. I miss visiting with friends.
  3. I am in dire need of a manicure/pedicure. 
  4. We're spending more on groceries because they are being delivered.
  5. I want new pots and plants but I can't get them.
  6. The weather is so perfect and we're not out in it much.
  7. Companies are not answering their phones. If there's a problem with your bill, you're going to have to write a snail mail letter. 
  8. I'm afraid this will go on far longer than we think it will. Even if the curve gets flattened, without a proven treatment or a vaccine, it will still not be safe.
Things that don't make sense:
  1. I want to buy new clothes, but I don't actually need them because we're staying home. 
  2. Some days I don't do much because I want to have something to do the next day.

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