Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Speedy and Appropriate Response

Before heading for the airport and home, we spent one last night in Holland-on-Sea. Our favorite hotel was available and we had a room with a sea view. It's not as posh as the Francis in Bath, but it's pretty much the only hotel in Holland-on-Sea and it's nicer than the hotels in Clacton.

We got upstairs and were settling in when I went in the bathroom and unfortunately looked in the toilet. (Don't ask me why - I always look inside before using it. And in public restrooms I always check to be sure there is paper before I'm "committed".) It appeared that someone had thrown a cigarette in it some hours earlier and it looked most unpleasant. I called down to the front desk to question whether the room had been serviced. Within five minutes the regional manager, who just happened to be onsite, and one of the young ladies from the front desk arrived with cleaners and brushes. They cleaned the toilet and changed the bed linens (there was a foot print on a pillow case).

It turns out that some contractors had turned up to repair the radiator after the room had been cleaned. Apparently they used the toilet to dispose of a cigarette. Who knows why they felt they had to leave a boot print on a pillow? The manager and his assistant were most apologetic and cleaned it up quickly. They sent up a bottle of wine to our room as a goodwill gesture. All I can say is that I wouldn't have wanted to be those contractors when he got hold of them and I'll bet he did.

We were very pleased with the way they handled the situation and I have absolutely no complaints!

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