Saturday, June 16, 2012

Where's My iPhone?

Before arriving in Manchester, we spent two more nights in hotels. The first, Caley Hall in Old Hunstanton, was pleasant enough. I worried a bit when I saw that the hall way was a bit worn. I think the hall and stairway (no elevator again!) get beaten to death by people trying to get bags that barely fit the space into their rooms. But the suite itself was nice. Bathrobes included, but not required. I would have preferred a room that overlooked the gardens rather than the children's play area, but we're only there one night. It isn't important.

The food here was good, a bit too much parsley to suit me, (I prefer more adventurous spices) but still good. The big bonus is that they give you bottles of water and don't charge you for them!

The next day we got up, ate breakfast, and set off for Lincoln and another cathedral. We wanted to arrive there and get checked in to the room so that I could be online at a desk (rather than online in the car) when the US market opened. We had two hours to spare when Mark asked me where his iphone was. I'm not sure why his iphone should be my responsibility, but I really didn't recall picking it up and I didn't have it. Noting that he lost his iphone when we were in England in January probably wasn't my best option, but who could resist? A phone call to Caley Hall and the phone is located. We turn around and drive back to Old Hunstanton to retrieve the phone.

It's time for lunch and we won't make it back to Lincoln to get checked in before 2:30. Which turns out to be unimportant. Stay tuned tomorrow to find out why.

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