Friday, June 22, 2012

The War on Bugs

We don't watch much TV. It puts us to sleep. So we sit on our back porch in our rockers, which is what one expects old people to do.

But lately there have been way too many June bugs. (Probably because it is June.) June bugs are disgusting creatures. They have directional control issues. If they get onto their backs, they're likely to die there as most of them seem unable to right themselves. But they're just as likely to fly straight into your arm, or your chest, or your face. Yuck!

They're too large for the geckos to eat, so we've declared war on them and their mosquito buddies, and whatever bug was eating the leaves of my plants. We have an arsenal of weapons. Note the spray can of raid and the spray bottles of Cutter. What you can't see is the sevin dust that was put down. We also changed the porch light from white to yellow. (I can't believe we didn't do this before. Even though Mark wasn't aware of the yellow light bulb trick, I've known it all my life.) I've also bought a new Citronella candle and you can see that Mark has the ultimate weapon -- a new June Bug Racquet!

This one is far more powerful than the old one. And at half the price. It was looking like the fourth of July out there last night. They sizzle and spark when they make contact. Any bug (June or otherwise - except for lady bugs) that had the misfortune of venturing onto our porch last night was promptly zapped.

It's good that we're so easily amused. But I think it's telling that zapping bugs is more entertaining than anything on television.

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