Thursday, June 30, 2016

Use It or Lose It - Domestic Territorial Wars

"I absolutely have too much storage space." Said No One. Ever.

Even when you have enough space, you can always use a bit more. At least I can always use a bit more. Doesn't matter whether it's a closet or a drawer, I can aways make use of a bit of extra space.

I don't think there are any empty drawers in my house. If there are, I will fill them. From time to time, the man who shared my house prior to Mark would leave a drawer empty. When that happened I filled it with my stuff. Well, why not? My stuff was crammed into a drawer. If I moved half of it into another drawer, then it wouldn't be all smushed and wrinkled when I took it out. I saw my chance and I took it. Sometimes my stuff would have occupied the drawer for a month or more before he noticed. When he did notice, he would want his drawer back. That was decades ago and I truly can't remember whether I gave back the territory or not. If you don't use it, you'll lose it.

That was then. This is now. I was re-organizing my closet. I had that closet purge a few months ago. In addition to all the clothes that were given to charity, I filled a large shopping bag with shoes. Yet my shoe racks remain full and some of my shoes are on the closet floor. At least a half dozen pairs are on the floor! I was thinking that I'd need to move the little bench seat in my closet and buy a shoe rack that could fit in that corner.

Then as I was putting my husband's laundry away I noticed that he had one of those "over the closet rod" shoe containers that was completely empty. (He has two of them - but one was completely empty.) Just what I needed. I have three of those things, but I could make room for one more. My problem was solved! I just couldn't get it down and moved into my closet without going to get a step ladder. No problem, I'd just ask Mark to get it down for me.

Later that evening as we were sitting on the back porch I pointed out that he had a shoe rack that he wasn't using and that I could make use of it if only he would get it down for me. He didn't actually say anything but I didn't expect him to jump up and do it that moment. I expected it to get done the next day.

Well, that didn't happen. Furthermore, I looked in his closet and he had reloaded all his shoes into the shoe rack that I wanted. Apparently, he did not want to give up any "territory".

"I guess since you put all your shoes back in that empty rack that you don't want me to have it."

I won't really go into the conversation that followed. Let's just say it was good natured and focused on how I needed to have fewer shoes rather than more shoe storage. That's probably not going to happen, but it's okay. I know where they sell those things. And I will buy one. This week.

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