Sunday, June 5, 2016

Serenity Now

The flight time from Dallas to Honolulu is between eight and nine hours. Normally Mark and I sit together. We tried to this time, but remember - it's American Airlines. It would be far too accommodating of customers to allow a couple celebrating their anniversary to sit together. I was on the end of one inside row and Mark was sitting directly behind me. To my immediate left was a man with a young child. He was sitting directly behind his wife, who had a toddler. There was another toddler across the aisle to my right. Yikes! I was surrounded by toddlers.

But unlike that trip a couple years ago where we listened to five screaming toddlers for seven solid hours, this time we were prepared. When they struck up the band, I plugged in my noise-canceling Bose headphones and found the classical music station. Serenity now!

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