Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wildlife and Nature

We went out on an early morning paddle looking for wildlife. We hoped to see manatee, birds, maybe an alligator. While it was very pleasant and the mangrove tunnels were especially beautiful - we saw very little wildlife.

Surprisingly, we saw far more wildlife on the golf course than we saw in the mangrove tunnels. We saw a sea eagle catch a fish. (Too busy watching it to even try to photograph it.) More iguana than you could shake a stick at. (The alpha male was ready to defend his territory. - So very brave!!)

And such unusual plants.

Also the water surrounding Fiesta Key was teeming with wildlife. Jelly fish, crabs, conch, all kinds of things that were so easy to see in the water. I could watch these things for hours.

I love how pelicans look so "pre-historic."

Things you find on the beach:

I love to see rainbows after it's rained.

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