Friday, February 12, 2016

More Power

Apparently the problem of not being able to accelerate fast enough and not driving the speed limit can be solved with a bigger vehicle. Even though the Jeep was rated to pull the camper, it struggled. Mark started doing his best Internet investigative work.

It seems that a Ford F-250 diesel with a towing package will solve all our problems. It will go farther, (so in Florida where it takes 30 minutes to fill up, we won't have to stop as often) and faster (so we'll be able to drive at the posted maximum speed), and people will get out of our way instead of pulling in front of us causing us to hit the brakes hard enough to break our Corelle dishes.

So here it is folks. A Ford F250 diesel with a towing package. The solution to all problems related to the camper. It can pull the trailer up a mountain. It can exceed the speed limit pulling a trailer (at least we think it can). It can pass a gas station because it runs on diesel. And not only will people NOT pull out in front of us, they will actually get out of our way!

Although, I've got to say that this picture does not give you a true picture of the size of this beast.

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