Friday, November 6, 2015

Fighting Back

Nearly everyday we walked along the seafront from St. Osyth Beach to Clacton Pier. It's just over three miles and it takes you through Jaywick. It seems that Jaywick has gained some notoriety having recently been featured targeted on a reality show that exposes benefits (welfare) fraud.

It also seems that Jaywick is the poorest, most deprived areas in the UK. And some Jaywick residents have taken exception to this. There was a home made banner flying over one of the central streets - "Proud Jaywick Fights Back". At least they spelled it correctly, unlike the sign posted by the local council warning that only "athorised" parking was allowed.

I'm not clear on how Jaywick is fighting back. I'm going to suggest a plan of attack. Start by cleaning up. As you walk from St. Osyth to Clacton, if you look to your right you see the sea.

If you look to the left, you see a street like this one.

But you can only walk an average of 20 steps between dog poop on the pavement, so you are better off to keep your head down. If the proud people of Jaywick think that people won't notice the sad condition of the houses because they are forced to keep their heads down to avoid stepping in the poop (or the broken bottles, broken plastic, broken pottery, abandoned toys, empty snack bags, styrofoam food containers and dumped ashtrays) they are mistaken. It just paints an unflattering picture. And to be truthful, I was always relieved when we got to the golf course without incident. Jaywick is not a place where you feel safe. We would only walk through there in the daytime.

I have sympathy for the homeowners who do take pride in their properties - who have glass instead of plywood in their windows and doors as well as neatly kept gardens. People who don't just throw their broken "stuff" out the door and leave it. Those other folks, whose numbers are way too high, are pulling property values down.

My mother always said that being poor was not an excuse to be dirty. My experience tells me otherwise, but I still like to think Mom was right. Jaywick! Clean it up!

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