Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Visit to Windsor Castle

Even though we'd stayed in Windsor several times before flying home, we'd never managed to get there in time to tour the castle. So this trip we took a day to go to Windsor for the sole purpose of visiting the castle.

If you want to see how the other half lives - (well maybe not the other half - maybe the 1% or maybe not even that many) this is the place. Even more opulent than the Vatican if you can believe it. I could live there. Most definitely. Great house. It's claim to fame is that it's been a "royal residence" since the time of Henry I - over 900 years.

Amazing that it looks so good since it's so old. The ceilings that were burned in the 1992 fire have been restored to their original look and much of the art work escaped damage. Over the years it's been upgraded with all the modern conveniences and while the decor is a bit over the top for my personal taste, it fits the size and purpose of the rooms. If they were going for "impressive grandeur" they certainly achieved it.

Since there were notices advising that photography within the castle was not permitted and I didn't fancy being carted off to the Tower of London, these photos have been pulled from the web but a good representation of what we saw. Except, of course, for the aerial view.  

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