Friday, November 13, 2015

A Day at the Tower of London

All the times I'd been to London and I'd never actually gone into the Tower of London. I had walked all around it, but never gone inside. As towers go, it just isn't that tall. It's dwarfed by the modern buildings surrounding it. But the crown jewels are inside. And the Tower figures heavily in many of the historical novels I'm so fond of. Oddly enough, Mark had never been inside it, either. It was time.

The Thames has been diverted away from the tower and the moat is no longer filled with water but as you can see, there's still a bit of water by the Traitor's Gate.

The Tower was not just a prison. It was also used by monarchs as a fortress and safe haven during troubled times. This is the chapel attached to the king's bedchamber.

 I was surprised to learn that the beefeaters are all former military who served with distinction and that they, along with their families, live inside the Tower. You can see some of the residences in the background of this photo.

The Tower Green is where some of the more famous prisoners, like Ann Boleyn were beheaded. As I understand it, it was an honor to be executed inside the confines of the Tower. The common criminals were executed somewhere outside the city. There is a memorial there with the names of all those who were executed on the Tower Green. Interestingly, Henry the VIII was responsible for almost all of those executions.

The crown jewels. We didn't see them. This is why. Very long line with a wait time to match.  Besides, it gives us a reason to go back.

Lots of history. And like Windsor Castle, it's in really good condition to be as old as it is.

Not to mention the really great view from the wall.

A good visit!

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