Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Bad Idea

Sometimes bad ideas can seem really good. (Like putting the smoker racks into the oven and running the clean cycle.) Because it was still pretty hot in Texas when we were finishing up that last RV trip, we decided that it might be better to start out a bit later and drive at night.

With that being the plan, we left Indiana after lunch. The GPS said we would arrive at home at 3 AM. We stopped in Missouri for dinner - parked the RV on a side street and popped into an Applebees. So far, so good.  After dinner, the GPS said we'd arrive at 4 AM.

We were about to get on some kind of toll road in Oklahoma when I pointed out that I'd spent all the cash I had on sweet corn and tomatoes back in Indiana. I knew I had more money, but it was inside the RV in a pair of jeans that had been put into the clothes basket for washing. Did we want to stop and get that money or reroute away from the toll road?

We opted for the rerouting. Bad idea. We ended up on some narrow backroad that kept going back and forth between Kansas and Oklahoma. I hadn't even realized we were anywhere near Kansas! The GPS said we'd get home around 5:30 AM.

Okay then, money in the clothes basket just added an hour and a half to the trip. We needed to find a place to sleep for a while. We finally found a road big enough to have a truck stop and we pulled in and went to sleep. The plan was to sleep for an hour and get back on the road. The reality was that we slept for about three hours. Now we were looking at an 8:30 AM arrival time.

Bottom line, we stopped to eat two times. We stopped to sleep two times. We stopped for gas two or more times. We ended up getting home at 10:30 AM. We were both worn out and in no shape to do anything other than take the cats inside and go to bed. We finally started to feel like we had lives worth living around 3 in the afternoon.

Looking back on it, if we'd stopped for the night and had a decent night's sleep, we'd have arrived home within an hour or two of when we actually arrived and we wouldn't have felt like the walking dead.

We won't make that mistake again.

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