Thursday, September 17, 2015

70 Decibels

Since Mark's dad seemed to be doing a bit better we decided to go to Manchester to visit the kids and grandkids over the weekend. And in our attempt to stay in thoroughly modern places, we booked a room at the Premier Inn in Prestwich rather than our usual Church Inn.

Mark secured the last available room for the weekend. It was a disabled room, which meant it was on the ground floor and had wider than average doors. Not a problem. It also had a queen size bed, a sofa, and a desk.

The problem was that when you turned on the bathroom light, the exhaust fan came on automatically. This wasn't all that unusual. What was unusual was that the fan was measuring 70 decibels. (Yes, we measured it.) I don't think it was quite as bad as waterboarding but it was enough for me to inquire at the front desk how we might turn it off.

"Is there a way to turn off the exhaust fan so that it doesn't come on when you turn on the light."

"No, I'm sorry, there isn't.

"It's really quite loud and annoying."

"Would you like to speak to a manager?

"Not unless the manager knows how to turn it off. What I need is an engineer."

Oh wait. I have an engineer. But he's not about to tinker with their "stuff".

So I sucked it up and kept the light off as much as possible. It was only a couple of nights. The only other negative comment I have about this hotel is that one of the dining room hostesses kept trying to seat couples in a corner so the larger, airier, more easily accessible tables could be available for "families". Sorry, but those little kids stand a much better chance of crawling into that corner space than I do.

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