Saturday, July 11, 2015

Old Hundred

The Old Hundred Mine didn't produce enough gold (or copper, or lead, or anything else) to cover the expenses of digging the mine much less turn a profit. So now they run tours in an attempt to recoup some of the costs.

It was an interesting tour, although I found there was a bit too much standing around to suit my knee. I'll also admit that I found the history of the place a bit more interesting than the workings of all the equipment.

Our guide told us that the mine was named Old Hundred after Psalm 100. "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth". I suppose I'd be shouting for joy if I had a gold mine. (Maybe not so much when I found it was unproductive.) But internet research tells me it's named after an old German Hymn called Old Hundred. I Googled that and found several versions of an old British hymn, which is essentially the words of Psalm 100 paraphrased and set to music. (You might recognize the music as The Doxology.) If you'd like to hear it, click here.

We also learned a bit about advances in mining equipment, the superstitions associated with having women in mines and how mining operations work today. Even though it's cool in the mine and the temperature stays the same year round, I don't think it's a job I would enjoy.

Here are some of the pictures we took in and around the mine.

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