Thursday, July 9, 2015

He Didn't Look Stupid

We went to Four Corners. Not because there's anything remarkable about a plaque in the ground but because it's a photo op. Where else can you stand in four states at once?

I was told by some ladies at Priest Gulch not to expect much. "It's just a spot on the ground and rows of Indians selling a bunch of stuff."

I figured it would be a bit like the "Southernmost Point" in Key West or Land's End in Cornwall. You stand in line for your photo opportunity. But unlike the southernmost point, this spot is controlled by the Navajo Nation who demand $10 per vehicle to look at that spot on the ground. And unlike Land's End, you can take your own picture.

I figured a full shot would be better than a "selfie". We wanted to have our feet in different states. It's more than a head shot. I had to locate a suitable photographer. The most likely choices were the people directly in front of us or behind us. The kid in line in front of us had a bloody nose. He kept wiping the blood off his face with his hand and his shirt and then he would wipe his hand off on his pants. I did not want this kid touching my camera. There was a couple behind us. He had a really fancy camera. He was the go-to guy! If he could operate one of those fancy cameras, he would be able to handle my little Fuji point and click with no problem. We made a deal. We'd take their photos if they'd take ours.

We were first. I had one foot in Utah and the other in Arizona. Mark had one foot in Colorado and the other in New Mexico. We were holding hands. We were smiling at the camera. What a great shot! Want to see it? Me too. I assumed the guy took the photos. But I didn't check and when we got back and transferred the photos from the camera to the computer there were none from Four Corners. None. Nada.

I can only assume that the guy was either totally stupid, inept at taking photos or a malicious jerk who didn't want us to have any photos. I'm going with inept. And next time, I'll actually look at the photos before leaving the scene.

But we did buy a really cool piece of pottery.

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