Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away

Neither of us had been to Freeport before so we were looking forward to checking it out. As it turns out, there was torrential rain that day and we didn't get off the boat.

I'm glad that none of the shore excursions appealed to us, so we didn't have to worry about cancellations or refunds. Apparently the snorkeling and diving excursions went ahead as planned. I guess if you're in the water a bit of rain doesn't matter. But it did keep people out of the pool for a while.
We also learned that the town was about a 30-minute cab ride away. We wouldn't have been able to disembark and just walk around. It's been our experience that the shops on the docks (built by and for the cruise lines) are not teeming with bargains, so unless we are absolutely desperate for a souvenir, we typically avoid those shops. It's not the same as visiting the town.

By the time we were ready to head out, it had cleared just a bit. But as you can see, there's no town and not even a nice beach anywhere near the dock.
On the bright side - we now have a reason to return to Freeport.

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