Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Day in Nassau

We were in Nassau a few years ago and enjoyed it. We enjoyed trying some of the Bahamian food and we especially liked watching the local police directing traffic. (Yes, we are easily entertained.) Even though it was June, it wasn't too hot and we were the only ship in port.

This time, we were one of six ships in port. (Consider that each ship is carrying between 1,000 and 3,000 passengers. Even if only half of them got off... More math than I want to do.) We did get off the boat and venture out to look for a fish plate. (We found one, but it had "Bahamas" written on it - and we don't buy that type of souvenir.) We didn't stay out too long because it was just so hot and crowded - especially the straw market. Not to mention that my knee just wasn't quite ready for a long hike. The town, which is fairly small, was absolutely teeming with people and crowding always makes anyplace seem hotter. The other thing that made it hotter was the humidity. It had rained in the morning leaving the place feeling like a sauna.

But it was really just too many people. After a little research I've come up with this site that lists the ships that are scheduled to be in any port on any given day. I think I'll be looking at this before booking any cruises in the future.

Here are some pictures of Atlantis as viewed from the deck and one of another ship leaving Nassau. I had lots of pictures last time. Maybe next time I'll do better.

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