Friday, September 20, 2013

The Two Pink Bags

I wanted to win this bag. It was being given away in a drawing and everyone was given three tickets. We all had an equal chance. My plea went out to the cosmos - "Let me win the pink bag! Let me win the pink bag! Please, let me win the pink bag!!"

I should have been more specific. I should have said "Let me win the pink Coach bag!" Because in fact, I did win a pink bag, but not the pink Coach bag. The bag I won is a bit of a novelty item. It's a cooler shaped like a pink golf bag. It will probably hold a few bottles of water and some ice. Cute and clever? Yes. Cool and sophisticated? Not really. Something I'll use? Doubtful.

I just never take water with me to the golf course. You can get water and ice at most golf courses so there's really no need to take your own. (Unless of course, the free water tastes foul, but then you can buy bottled water.) So unlike the Coach bag, this is probably not something I'll use.

Apparently it's previous owner felt the same way. It came filled with bags of pretzels, nuts, cookies and trail mix. All of which had expiration dates ranging between June and September of 2010. According to my precise calculations, that is over three years ago. So the person who donated this raffle prize probably had it sitting in her closet for the last decade. Seriously, who pulls something out of the closet after three or more years and decides to donate it as a raffle prize when there are food items in it? It is sometimes hard to fathom that these people walk among us.

But anyway, since it's not something I'll be using, I'm planning on recycling it when my country club has it's Ladies Member-Guest Tournament next June. But don't worry. I've thrown all that out-of-date food away and I'll be filling it with fresh goodies.

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