Thursday, September 26, 2013

Like and Share

I love Facebook. It has allowed me to reconnect with classmates, former work colleagues, and long lost relatives. I've even made a few new friends.

I truly enjoy seeing pictures (and video clips) of my friends, their kids, their grandkids, their pets, their vacations, their homes and gardens and even what they've having for dinner.

I like it when my friends use the "check-in" feature on their smart phones. I can see that they're having fun and I can ask them if the restaurant is any good.

I enjoy reading about what you're up to. I don't actually care that you're doing laundry or mowing the lawn, but if you want to share that, I'm okay with it.  

I enjoy sharing a joke or a funny video. I enjoy stunning photographs. I like it when someone shares a "general interest" article. (I define "general interest" as non-political.) I don't even mind when my friends share political views that differ from mine.

However, I don't enjoy being inundated with political "junk". If you've got something to say, say it. I don't care what the political pundits say. If I want to know, I'll subscribe to their websites or go turn on the TV. You don't need to "share" everything your favorite news source puts out. If you feel compelled to share something from your favorite news source every now and again, that's fine. "Every now and again" does not mean hourly, or even daily.

Some of my friends have subscribed to (liked) sites that provide them with a daily inspirational message. That's fine. For them. If one of the messages really speaks to you and you want to share it, okay. But be advised that if I wanted to get that message EVERY DAY, I would have subscribed. The same applies to any and all sites you can subscribe to - including "causes". Abused animals and sick children seem to be the front running causes these days. But let me repeat that if I wanted to get those updates every day, I would have subscribed.

And some of my friends just feel compelled to share EVERYTHING that appears on their screens. It doesn't matter whether it's a recipe (far too many of those these days), a joke, a picture of a cat, an inspirational message, a plea to remember people in heaven, or a declaration of love for their spouses, kids, parents, or God. If it says "like and share", they do. I've had to limit what I see from these compulsive sharers. And I'm a happier girl for it.

By the way, please like and share my blog.

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