Monday, December 10, 2012

Why Cruising is Better than Flying

Mark and I love cruise vacations and we're so fortunate that neither of us suffers from seasickness. Cruising is one of the best vacation deals around. Here's why:
  1. No one from the TSA gropes you before you board.
  2. You can take as many bags as you want - no charge.
  3. Cruise line food is good. Plus there's a variety!
  4. You don't have to sleep sitting up.
  5. They may misplace your luggage for a while, but they don't send it to a different city or country.
  6. There's more to do while you're in transit than read a book, watch a movie, or sleep.
  7. You don't have the added expense of a hotel.
  8. No one else uses your bathroom, and someone cleans it twice a day.
  9. You can stroll around outside.
  10. The other passengers are smiling.

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