Saturday, June 1, 2019

In and Around York

One of the more famous sights in York is York Minster. Our guide went through all of the details that distinguish a minster from a regular cathedral, and I'd share that with you, but I'm afraid I'd get it wrong. Suffice it to say that it is quite old and has some magnificent stained glass.

We also visited the Shambles Market with its narrow streets and quaint pubs and shops. I understand that some of the sets in the Harry Potter movies were modeled on the Shambles.

We also visited the Jorvik Center. It's an attraction/museum that focuses attention on the Vikings that conquered York back in 866 AD. This was my second visit to the Jorvik Center and the "ride" portion of it was much smoother than what I remembered and the smells weren't as strong -(a good thing!). But it's not a great place to take photos, so you'll just have to go see for yourself. And by the way, they have real people mixed in with the animatronics so you'll be kept guessing!

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