Thursday, March 1, 2018

Welcome to New York!

I got an email from American Airlines back in November informing me that a significant number of my airmiles would be expiring in three days. Three days! That doesn't give you enough time to think clearly. But we didn't want to wait. If I slept on it, I would have forgotten about it and the miles would have been lost.

Where should we go? There weren't enough miles for a European trip (well, maybe for one of us but not both). So someplace in the US. For some reason, New York popped into my head. "How about New York?" Neither of us had "really" been there. Changing planes and having dinner in the airport doesn't really count. Nor does an overnight stay in an airport hotel (unless you leave the hotel). So without much thought, we booked a trip to New York City. In February.

We weren't too worried about the weather. New York is accustomed to dealing with winter weather. It takes a lot to shut it down. And last year we went to Ireland in February. It couldn't be any colder than Ireland. (Last year there was one day that was sooooo cold I wouldn't leave the hotel.)

So, as you can see, some thought went into this, although not much. If I'd been thinking clearly, we would have booked a flight to Miami and gone on a Caribbean cruise. If we take a trip next February, that's probably where you'll find us.

We arrived on a Friday evening and it was cold and a bit rainy and rain was in the forecast for the next two days. We were determined not to let that deter us.

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