Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I truly don't know what happens. Every time we go away, whether it's a vacation or a business trip, my hair starts misbehaving. I thought it was because of the cheesy hotel shampoo. But last time, I took my own, the stuff recommended by my hairdresser and while it helped, it didn't completely alleviate the problem.

It is inexplicable. Before we got home from Florida, my hair was so unmanageable that I was phoning my hairdresser to see if I had an appointment anytime soon and if not "can I get one?"

But oddly, within hours of getting home, my hair started to behave itself. I can probably go another week or two without a haircut. But this is really starting to make me a bit crazy. I know. There are so many variables - air, humidity, hard and soft water, shampoo, conditioner. You just can't control them all. But they don't seem to need much control when I'm at home. And I don't remember this ever being a problem 20 years ago.

I'm starting to think it's a conspiracy of things that attack us in our golden years. (Are your sixties golden years? - Maybe they're just silver or bronze.) Amyway, my hair is always fine when I'm at home but the minute I leave town.....Well. And then there's the whole uncomfortable bra thing... And the email newsletters you have to unsubscribe from that you never subscribed to in the first place. I should stop here. But the next time we go out of town, I'm taking a hat.

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