Wednesday, January 3, 2018

From Stag to Doe

I was so delighted to have a fireplace (after all these years without one) that I decided to buy stocking holders for Christmas. They weren't especially expensive but apparently they were a bit more delicate than I'd anticipated.

I managed to knock one of them onto the floor and it broke a bit off his antlers. (That little curly bit right in front.) Mark dutifully patched him up with contact cement and he was fine. Until the next time I knocked him off. All the antlers broke off. Completely. I would say "he" is now a "she" and I'm claiming her! We now have a doe as well as a stag - just like real life.

Next year she will be adorned with a bit of holly but no more antlers for this one. She is clearly not intended to have them. Some things are just not meant to be. We'll call it a "sex change operation" and next year she will have other decorations but no antlers. Bless her.

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