Friday, July 22, 2016

High Altitude Golf

I like to play at least one round of golf when we travel. We played last year when we were in Colorado with no problems. As we were playing this year, I guessed that the elevation in Cortez (where we played last year) was significantly lower than in Gunnison - because this year I could barely breathe. I checked - it's only a 1600 foot difference but it felt like a 6100 foot difference! Doesn't seem like it should make that much difference, but it does!

I also hold the altitude responsible for my inability to think clearly causing me to "forget" my socks and visor.  I'm fairly picky about visors and don't particularly like the one I had to buy, but it did the trick - kept my glasses from falling off my face and kept the sun out of my eyes. It's one thing to buy a logo'd visor but buying socks is no thrill at all - you definitely over pay for everything in a pro shop - especially and socks.  Unlike visors which sit on your head, socks disappear into your shoes. No one can actually see them. Usually they are plain white - (although these had a bit of fluorescent yellow on them - but not where you could see it.)  At least this pro shop had ladies' socks. Imagine my surprise when I found the socks I "forgot" in my handbag three days later. Lesson learned - do not put navy blue socks into a deep handbag.

But back to the round of golf. Neither of us could breathe. Walking to the ball was laborious. I wanted to drive by with the cart and just swing at it - sort of like polo. I'm convinced I would have scored better if I didn't have to catch my breath so often.

Bottom line - we played badly but had a lovely day. The course and the views were beautiful.

We even saw a fat little marmot!

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