Thursday, July 21, 2016

Don't Drink the Water

We are such bad cat parents. We actually forgot to take their favorite Hill's Science Diet food with us. Of course we couldn't find a Petsmart on the highway, so we ended up buying them a bag of Iams. It's a good quality brand. They were happy to get their Hills back when we got home, but they were okay with the Iams.

After we got settled in Gunnison, I noticed that something was having an ill-effect on them. While we were "in transit" I had been giving them bottled water. We only use the water in the RV storage tank for flushing the toilet, doing dishes and other mundane tasks. But once we got to the RV park, we were connected to "city" water and Mark said it would be okay to fill their water dish with water from the tap. So I did.

That second night we were there, I was sound asleep - like always. Let me say that I've been awakened by loud noises before. I've been awakened by people or animals moving before. But this is the first time I've been awakened by a bad smell. A really bad smell. I'm not kidding - it was like someone set off a stink bomb. One of our cats had used the litter box.

OMG! It was awful!! For days, every time either of them used the litter box it would smell to the high heaven. This was a problem. We were going to have to find a new location for the litter box. Preferably five miles away!

The only thing I could think of was the food. Iams was clearly NOT a premium brand. We didn't experience this horrific smell at home when they were eating Hills.

Before we figured out what to do about this dilemma, we moved camp. We headed for Winter Park and since we were no longer connected to the "city" water, we resumed giving them bottled water. No sooner did we do that than the horrible stink bomb smell went away.  Clearly, this problem had nothing to do with Iams and everything to do with that "city" water.

In retrospect, I am glad that Mark and I stuck to the bottled water - otherwise the problem may have been epic. In the future Harry and Heidi will always have bottled water, as well.

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