Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Recreational Shopping

Shopping falls into a number of different categories. These days I usually go shopping because I need something - food, clothing, household goods. This type of shopping is a chore. It’s a job and I must do it. Not much in it other than the occasional  satisfaction of finding a bargain. More often than not, it’s just frustrating because I often know exactly what I want and the shopping trip makes it painfully obvious that no one makes that item, or if they do, they don't make it in my size. Or they've sold out of my size. Or the only color available in my size is purple. I feel the same frustration when the grocery store doesn’t have daikon. 

Then there’s retail therapy. This is a lot more fun. You don’t have to worry about not finding what you’re looking for because you’re not really looking for anything. You’re just out to find something you like. Something that will lift your spirits because maybe your week hasn’t been great and a new pair of shoes will fix that. (At least it did before I got those orthotics.)

There’s also recreational shopping. It's a team sport. You've got to have at least one good friend with you! This is what Terri and I did while I was in Ohio. We went to the candle outlet because I used up all my candles when the kitchen got smoked last month and I really needed more. (Okay, maybe I bought a few more than I "needed" but I may not get back that way for a year or two.) Then we went into all the little gift shops on the square in Medina - the type of stores I would’t typically go into unless I needed to buy a gift. 

I bought things I wouldn’t buy if I were on a solo shopping trip - a dishtowel that says “Cat Hair - a condiment as well as a fashion accessory”. (Terri bought the “dog” equivalent.) Between us we bought scarves, socks, and costume jewelry. We tried on hats. We browsed through vintage clothing stores. We had lunch in a tea room - another thing you don’t do when you’re shopping on your own or with your husband. We caught up with each other. We laughed at things that happened that day and at things from the past. I had a really good time. I hadn't realized how much I miss doing things like that.

And Terri, if you’re reading this - come visit me next year and we’ll do the same thing in McKinney. Maybe they’ll have opened another tea room by then. 

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