Monday, August 24, 2015

A Day in Cuyahoga Valley

When we bought the camper we set a goal for ourselves - visit all the National Parks over the next 10 years. It’s ambitious, but it can be done. 

We found ourselves very close to Cuyahoga Valley National Park so of course we had to go. It’s one of the few parks (maybe the only park) that doesn’t permit camping. Some permit primitive camping but don’t have any hookups - and since I have zero interest in that, I know that my visit to those parks will be a day trip. 

But back to Cuyahoga Valley - we started at the Canal Exploration Center. The museum is small, but the exhibits are very informative. We walked a bit of the Erie & Ohio Canal tow path. The locks are in a dismal state of repair. I can’t imagine them doing any lock demonstrations on the locks we saw. (Given that we’ve done several canal cruises in England and Wales, I have first hand experience with lock operation.)

We also went to Brandywine Falls. In all the time I lived in northern Ohio, I’d never been to this area. It’s really very pretty and I’m sure we’ll go check out other areas of the park the next time we’re nearby. 

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