Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Alpine Air

Nothing quite like fresh mountain air for healing. In the days before antibiotics, medical professionals built a number of sanatoria in Switzerland because they believed that clean, cold mountain air was the best treatment for a number of diseases. And when we told the doctor in Paris that we planned to go to Switzerland, she was very pleased. Said that the mountain air would be good for Mark. (Along with readily available venison and dark beer.)

The cheese is wonderful! And the cows are just darling. They all wear these huge cowbells. I just can't imagine Texas cows wearing these bells. There are places where the cows have free range and the right of way. We had to stop the car for them more than once. They are so beautiful, I wanted to get a good picture of one but it was raining too hard to roll down the car window. Fortunately, pictures are easy to find on the Internet.

Aside from being good for you, Switzerland is just plain beautiful. We were shown around by friends who live there and know all the most beautiful places. The pictures don't do it any justice at all! It's always magical to see a mountain waterfall cascading down to a clear blue lake. These lakes had five or six of these waterfalls. It was just amazing!

So beautiful, despite the rain. Can't wait to go back.

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