Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Room with a View

Little Rock isn't all that far from Dallas. When we were near Little Rock we only had about five hours of driving left to get home and it was getting close to 6 PM. Decisions, decisions. Should we press on toward home or stop for the night. We'd been driving for twelve hours already.

Mark asked, "What do you want to do? Stop or keep going?"

"Right now, I'd say I'm good to keep going. But I might feel differently when it's after 11 and we've got that stretch between Greenville and home."

He pretty much felt the same way. If we'd continued, we'd have had to stop for dinner and that would have put us home well past midnight. We opted to do the easy thing and stop in Little Rock.

I was able to book a room at the DoubleTree in downtown Little Rock for a fantastic rate just minutes before we arrived there. In fact, we drove by it to make sure it was in a location we liked before I clicked the "book" button. I love my smart phone!

Our room had such a fantastic view!

Even though the area seemed to have plenty of places to eat, we opted to eat in the hotel and make an early night of it so we could be back home in the early afternoon. But I think the next time we're looking for a weekend trip - something in the five hour drive range - Little Rock will get serious consideration.

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