Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ditch Crawling

What we really wanted to do was go sea kayaking. Near as I could tell, that wasn't offered in Belize. Instead we went kayaking at Becab Eco Park. I still haven't figured out what was "eco" about it, except that they asked you to spray your bug spray into your palm and rub it on rather than just spraying it around where it might "interfere" with the vegetation.

On our kayaking "adventure" we saw termite nests, one iguana, one snake, and a few very tiny bats. We were one of the first to get into our kayak. Since Mark was giving me the princess treatment and doing all the paddling himself, we paddled around the little lagoon waiting for the others to load up. After watching some of the others, Mark opted to bring up the rear of the group. The best entertainment was provided by the couple in front of us. They were close to our age but they kept running into the bank or into trees that were in the middle of the creek. Keep in mind that there was zero white water in this creek. Those two were an accident waiting to happen. Fortunately Mark is very experienced with a kayak and could stop it way before it even got close to colliding with them. At one point they thought they were holding us up and offered to let us go ahead of them. I guessed Mark was happier having them where he could see them, but he just claimed to be happy in the back.

The iguana

These appeared to be coconuts but there are no palm trees here. Turns out they are a type of chestnut.

Basically, this was okay. The food was okay. I think the people who opted for horses rather than kayaks might have had a better time. They saw monkeys. But you don't know unless you try. I thought our kayak experience in Florida was better. (Wait - didn't I say that about the beach experience, too?)

Maybe next time we should skip the cruise and just drive to Florida.

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