Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bathroom Electronics

I'm not that good with electronics. I'm okay with my phone and my computer but most other stuff mystifies me. (I still have to have Mark turn off the flash on my camera, nor do I have any idea how to use most of the buttons on the three remote controls we have.) I admit to being technologically challenged. So it's always a bit of a challenge for me when we travel to the UK because most of the showers fall into the "electronics" category.

Seriously, look at all the knobs, lights and dials on these things. And to make matters worse, sometimes it won't work unless you flip a switch on the wall or pull a cord attached to the ceiling. Not only that, as with most electronics, there seems to be no standard. Do any of these look alike to you?

It's really no wonder I have difficulty with them. I'm so glad I'm married to an engineer who can perform daunting tasks like turning on the shower and making sure the water temperature is right. God help me if they come up with an electronic toilet.

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